Friday 17 October 2014

Due to my commitment to posting twice daily till i get used to blogging, im posting again tonight. Note that i have no central idea, too many inspirations and conflicting emotions with no name tags. So none really differs from the other, making writing about any hard. Id try anyway. Have you ever been numb? Unfeeling and passive it's like heavenly bliss and you can't even feel it. Ive attained this a few times. I long for it most times, much like i do now. Im not getting it though. Im not that lucky. Besides, i know a certain someone who would verbally kick my ass if i dare. Do you know what it's like to not be able to focus on just one thought for 1 full minute? I do. It's massively confusing and im about to display my expertise in humming bird thinking, moving on to something else! The perks of being kind of short( which is what i am. Call me short and id rearrange your face). Im 5ft'6 (i counted very inch) which if i do say so myself, is an average height for a girl my age. And as opposed to what tall people think 'it must be hell being so close to the ground', NO it's not. I mean i get jeans that fit me fine easily, i can sit in a bus without folding my knees because they don't fit, it's so easy to kiss my forehead(take a hint!), it's not always easy to reach high thing but tall people love to help and they think it's cute! I can actually jump in a room without being scared of a painful shave from the fan, i really can sleep on ANY couch without feeling like a crab in a sock the next day. Men seem to think im not much of a threat which gives me an advantage to catch em' offguard. I can not stress how easy it is to get clothes that fit! I feel like ive just rambled on and it's time for a change of subject. I think im rambling because there's something really big on my mind i don't want to address. Im stalling myself. Not cool. Id go to sleep now. My next post would actually be deep i promise. Night!