Friday 17 October 2014

Does anyone else do this? Create fantasy scenarios of a completely perfect tale in their head they can always go back to and pick up where they left off when the chance to daydream arises. I do. I do alot. And sometimes it's so good i actually look forward to going to bed so i can have a bit of my heaven before im unconscious. And they don't just give faint feelings of happiness, they leave lingering joy in the back of my mind allday. Sometimes i find myself happy and im wondering why. Then i remember my fantasy and get right back to it. It's like a getaway. It IS a getaway. Instances that can never possibly happen, should have happened, might happen if im brave and lucky enough. I didn't have one last night id have shared. I would soon as i get to it. Have a great day, drink lots of water, smile for absolutely no reason whenever you can and don't forget to thank God for today!!!