Wednesday 10 December 2014

Today I laughed.... I laughed like i haven't in a long time and it felt really good. Im smiling as I post this and thinking to myself, 'I wish I can keep this up'. Despite the many reasons I came up with to not be happy, I was chided and persuaded to damn them and Boy!, am i glad. I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful for my friends. I'm thankful for the grace to end another day, I'm thankful for the grace to be called a 'blessing to others'. I'm thankful for plantain chips (what would my life be without you?), I'm thankful for my life. And -because right now I'm courageous and convinced enough to say it- I know that no matter how bad things get, it wouldn't always be that way. It may seem so bad you don't see a future, hold on and pray, laugh and smile (fake if you have to) and say you are fine until you start to believe yourself.