“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.
Do what it says.”
-James 1:22
What shall it profit a
man to spend 5-7 hours in church every Sunday, sit through a 2 hour sermon,
listen and understand, pledge his allegiance time and time again and promise to
make a turn around, exit church more knowledgeable and enlightened only to file
said revelation in a dark corner of the mind never to be revisited nor
Be honest, is this
your story?
The bible describes
this as an act of deceit to one’s own self. One becomes merely a hearer of the
word and never a doer. The phrase “action speaks louder than words” comes to
mind. Words we hear and know are of more consequence when followed by action.
What use is it to know what’s right but still major in doing what’s wrong?
While some people
simply find it hard to follow the word to the letter, others are so used to their
worldly ways of life they forget the words of righteousness. A tip to bypass
this is constant reinforcement and step-by-step dedication to implementing holy
teachings. When we constantly expose ourselves to something, it gradually
becomes part of us. This is the first step – listening.
As you listen and
pray, understanding comes.
Next you Obey. “Just
do it”
“The driver on the highway is safe not when he reads the
signs, but when he obeys them”
A. W.Tozer
After listening and
understanding, simply obey. Obey in things you do, obey in the words you say,
obey in the thoughts you think. Of course, this might be hard at first but
remember 1 Corinthians 15:58; “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let
nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because
you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain”. Labour in anything or
anyone else is in vain. Make your life worth living.
‘Hearers’ need to
remember, there is no point in listening if you intend to do nothing about what
you’ve learned. Also remember, in doing nothing, you disobey. In disobeying,
you profess God not to be your master. Decide
your master before it’s too late. Luke 16:13 says, “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love
the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other..."
Remember, the
devil does not care if you go to church or read the bible as long as you don’t
apply it to your life. As we begin to be not only hearers but also doers of the
word, may God’s good grace overshadow our every move.
God continue to
bless us all,
Sarah Twinkle
(image from biblia.com)