Tuesday, 23 August 2016

As easy as riding a Bike... as if

Why do people say “as easy as riding a bicycle”?
I’ve tried! It’s not easy!
I like to tell myself the bicycle I used for practice was too big making my legs barely reach the pedal. I also like to say my two very-experienced-we-cycle-everyday teachers were not so great.
But who am I kidding? I just suck at it- Peddling at the same time keeping my hand steady on the handle bar to control my direction, getting over the fact that I’m on an unstable contraption which cannot possibly stand straight on its own let alone with me atop it.
On that fateful one day-all day bicycle course, I managed to bruise my knee oh so many times, nearly circumcise one of my teachers, hit a few walls (okay the same wall over and over), and in one day, traumatize myself so much so I developed a slight bicycle phobia.
At the sight of a bicycle, I am reminded of the childhood pleas I made every year asking for a bicycle. I would plead and beg but I never got one. Sometimes I think had I gotten one then maybe now in my youth I wouldn’t suck so much.
Seeing little kids cycle by me on the streets, displaying jaw dropping skills and precision, I am made to think maybe it IS easy. In those few joyous moments I look forward to giving the contraption another chance.
 Then I see an actual bicycle, I’m still sure and smiling, I set it straight, hands on the handle bar, I stare at the seat, the pedals, the mere height and monstrosity of it all and my smile fades, I can never get on…
I want to be over this, I really want to ride a bicycle. I want to be able to say “as easy as riding a bicycle” without doubts attached to the word “easy”. I really want that.

My name is Sarah,
 I’m 21 and I can’t ride a bicycle,