Monday, 26 September 2016


As citizen of a state, we have the right to live as well as a right to freedom of expression. Why then should these rights be limited to some people? Where does freedom end and moral restriction begin?
Usually, when something out of the ordinary occurs for the first time, it is considered an oddity. However, when this same thing occurs frequently and people get a chance to ‘get used to it’ as well as accept it, it becomes a norm. Although homosexuality has been in existence for ages, the phenomenon becoming a norm, especially in our part of the world seems rather farfetched.
‘Same sex marriage’ is a sensitive and controversial subject that begs attention. People argue that same sex marriage is not ‘normal’ and should remain illegal. Society’s definition of normal is a man marrying a woman and procreating. This could be why the idea of a man and a man or a woman and another woman exchanging vows and walking down the aisle together riles the dogmatic head of society.
 I ask, who decides what is normal? One answer would be the majority. In this case, the Majority consisting of the moral dictators, their receptive subjects, law makers and homophobes. The Minority consisting of the homosexual, sexually ambiguous, and their sympathizers. In a society where the Minority’s wishes are subdued, how is everyone represented?
Looking at this from the eyes of a homosexual, one would think “It is not my fault. I was made this way, I cannot be a mistake, and it is not just me. This is what comes naturally for me. Why am I not allowed to live with equal rights? I am as human as the next man. This is not a choice I made, I just AM”. In the mind of a disgusted onlooker, “How is this not a mistake, this relationship bears to fruit, has no natural order and is not normal!”.
Due to the problem of some deeming homosexuals people with a disease that need to be cured, human rights are being trampled. Homosexuals are forced to suppress their natural instincts and remain ‘in the closet’, commit to unhappy marriages with the opposite sex that results in divorce, survive in loveless homes and go through life frustrated and hiding.
Same sex marriage cannot be legalized without the preamble of acceptance of homosexuals. A surface look at our society here in Ghana might leave one to think homosexuality is not worthy of discussion because we are a band of heterosexual people. A closer look into specific circles reveals otherwise. A growing army of homosexuals who are fueled by other culture’s acceptance are gradually gaining ground and might eventually amass a voice as loud enough as a majority.
With homosexual content running wild on the internet and other forms of mass media, it appears this might eventually morph into a norm. The question of whether this ‘oddity’ would be given the chance to make it into the walls of a church and be blessed makes some shiver for tomorrow. Although considered a sin in many cultures and religions, the basic fundamental human right should not be ignored and waved aside. Everyone should be treated as equals despite their sexual orientation. Being homosexual does not make one less of an human and this is a truth that I believe should never change.

Thursday, 22 September 2016


“And whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”
- Mark 10:44-45
Feelings of entitlement, superiority, ego, narcissism, and various others common to man are what makes the concept of selfless-service almost foreign to most. Many are so consumed with ‘self’ that ‘others’ seldom matter.
According to Indian religions, selfless Service -known as ‘Seva’- means helping others in need without the thought of receiving any reward or repayment in return. It is our moral duty to help others in any way we can. Selfless service is not limited to immediate family and friends alone, a selfless servant’s arm should spread far and wide and should be devoid of favourtism and selective compassion. “Service to man is service to God” – Swami Vivekananda.
The illusion that selfless service is limited to those with sizable wealth is baseless. The word service is not limited to funds alone. Oxford dictionary defines service as ‘the ACTION of doing work for someone’, it also defines service as ‘an ACT of assistance’. From assisting an elderly woman in crossing the road, to handing that coin to the beggar in the street, to running errands free of charge, to donating money to a charity organization- all count as service.
In the words of the founder of the Seva foundation, Daniel Scott, “helping out is not some special skill. It is not the domain of rare individuals. It is not confined to a single part of our lives. We simply heed the call of that natural impulse within and follow it where it leads us”.
The absence of ‘Self’ in service means actions done and assistance given is in not carried out for self-gratification. Selfless-servants do not give because they expect anything in return. The bible says there is more blessing in giving than receiving (Acts 20:35). Many minds corrupted with the rules of business would argue that investing, spending, giving without returns is bad investing.
Truth be told, for every action, there is a reaction. It might be called Selfless Service, but in the end, you do some service to yourself as well. In the words of Swami Sivanandaji, ‘by doing service, you purify your heart. Egoism, hatred, jealousy, idea of superiority vanish. Humility, pure love, sympathy, tolerance, and mercy are developed- you feel unbounded joy’.
Most people are motivated to grow themselves for their benefit- what exactly is your reason for living?
To work 10 hours 5 days a week, earn money, build wealth, procreate, spend, and earn more money till death ends the routine? Millions live like this.
Everyone has a higher purpose beyond earning wealth and material possession. Amassing wealth for one’s self alone is like a man having a locked first-aid box with medication needed by everyone around. He holds on to the keys till his last breath, thereafter, he is separated forever from the treasures he held onto tightly. He could have changed lives, he could have brought healing and happiness to many, he could have lived a fulfilled life, a life with purpose.
“the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”- Luke 10:2
Become a worker for the lord, render help to his people, be one more labourer in this field bursting with harvest.
 Be a Selfless Servant.


“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”
-James 1:22
What shall it profit a man to spend 5-7 hours in church every Sunday, sit through a 2 hour sermon, listen and understand, pledge his allegiance time and time again and promise to make a turn around, exit church more knowledgeable and enlightened only to file said revelation in a dark corner of the mind never to be revisited nor implemented?
Be honest, is this your story?

The bible describes this as an act of deceit to one’s own self. One becomes merely a hearer of the word and never a doer. The phrase “action speaks louder than words” comes to mind. Words we hear and know are of more consequence when followed by action. What use is it to know what’s right but still major in doing what’s wrong?

While some people simply find it hard to follow the word to the letter, others are so used to their worldly ways of life they forget the words of righteousness. A tip to bypass this is constant reinforcement and step-by-step dedication to implementing holy teachings. When we constantly expose ourselves to something, it gradually becomes part of us. This is the first step – listening.
As you listen and pray, understanding comes.
Next you Obey. “Just do it”

“The driver on the highway is safe not when he reads the signs, but when he obeys them”
-          A. W.Tozer
After listening and understanding, simply obey. Obey in things you do, obey in the words you say, obey in the thoughts you think. Of course, this might be hard at first but remember 1 Corinthians 15:58; “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain”. Labour in anything or anyone else is in vain. Make your life worth living.

‘Hearers’ need to remember, there is no point in listening if you intend to do nothing about what you’ve learned. Also remember, in doing nothing, you disobey. In disobeying, you profess God not to be your master.  Decide your master before it’s too late.  Luke 16:13 says, “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other..."

Remember, the devil does not care if you go to church or read the bible as long as you don’t apply it to your life. As we begin to be not only hearers but also doers of the word, may God’s good grace overshadow our every move.
God continue to bless us all,

Sarah Twinkle Djirackor

(image from

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

As easy as riding a Bike... as if

Why do people say “as easy as riding a bicycle”?
I’ve tried! It’s not easy!
I like to tell myself the bicycle I used for practice was too big making my legs barely reach the pedal. I also like to say my two very-experienced-we-cycle-everyday teachers were not so great.
But who am I kidding? I just suck at it- Peddling at the same time keeping my hand steady on the handle bar to control my direction, getting over the fact that I’m on an unstable contraption which cannot possibly stand straight on its own let alone with me atop it.
On that fateful one day-all day bicycle course, I managed to bruise my knee oh so many times, nearly circumcise one of my teachers, hit a few walls (okay the same wall over and over), and in one day, traumatize myself so much so I developed a slight bicycle phobia.
At the sight of a bicycle, I am reminded of the childhood pleas I made every year asking for a bicycle. I would plead and beg but I never got one. Sometimes I think had I gotten one then maybe now in my youth I wouldn’t suck so much.
Seeing little kids cycle by me on the streets, displaying jaw dropping skills and precision, I am made to think maybe it IS easy. In those few joyous moments I look forward to giving the contraption another chance.
 Then I see an actual bicycle, I’m still sure and smiling, I set it straight, hands on the handle bar, I stare at the seat, the pedals, the mere height and monstrosity of it all and my smile fades, I can never get on…
I want to be over this, I really want to ride a bicycle. I want to be able to say “as easy as riding a bicycle” without doubts attached to the word “easy”. I really want that.

My name is Sarah,
 I’m 21 and I can’t ride a bicycle,

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

You don’t need to jump off a building to kill yourself

We kill ourselves everyday, harming our bodies with various deadly substances we consume in the name of good living. People see a man developing a pot belly and say “money is showing!”
No it isn’t. He is digging his own grave and we stand by applauding. Some are lucky to have a trim body no matter what they consume. You think that means you are out of the woods? 
No! Whatever you put in is bound to come out in some way. Your body might be in shape outside, but who’s to tell what’s going on the inside? A conscious attitude should be cultivated to taking care of our bodies.
Note that this does not mean becoming an anorexic. 
No that is a different ballgame and subject all together. This simply means “watch what you eat”. Sometimes, we KNOW what we are about to consume is not good for us, but do not listen to our conscience.
I am a victim of this. I know this carbonated soft drink I’m about to consume would work negative wonders on my liver but it tastes good... so…. 
Sometimes my conscience gets through to me and I’m able to curb it. But only till next time. 
There is always a next time.
Why not visit the internet and find out ways to keep your body healthy as well as healthy foods to consume? I’m not a health expert but I am well aware of the immense health benefits of fruits. Incorporate that into your diet. Substitute that carbonated soft drink for freshly squeezed fruit juice, those sugar coated cookies for nuts. Substitute that cream filled desert for a fruit salad once in a while. If you do this, you’d live long enough to treat yourself later with that desert.
Don’t eat late. If it’s late and you absolutely cannot sleep without eating, take a small quantity and do not go to sleep immediately.
Ignore the elevator, it’s cool and easy I know. Take the stairs. Don’t take that bus if you can walk there. One, you get to burn off some fat and two, you save your money!
Soft drinks with food? Why? Take water instead! Save the drinks for later if you absolutely have to. Food should always be accompanied with water. Not cold water, not soft or hard drinks.
Avoid those, “instant” foods- Noodles and such- they contain a lot of harmful preservatives the internet is only too happy to educate you on.
If this was a well researched article, I would have listed some of these. However, its just me, Sarah, giving you a piece of mind on healthy living as I know it.
Please research further, make a conscious effort to live healthy and walk!

Sa Ra H

Sunday, 24 April 2016

I should have listened to music instead.
Or written
Sang, read a book anything else but react.
How do you know when to react or not? Apparently there is a way the world expects you to be. You are to live tailored to suit this pre-designed coat and there is barely room for breathing or squirming. Just do as expected or there are problems you end up having to apologize for eventually.
Do you have a right to determine if you want the coat or not? Of course yes.
But unfortunately you can’t always afford their reactions to your choosing not to wear it. You could end up ostracized, damned by the very ones you love and swear they love you too.

It’s honestly been a while since I have done this. I talk a lot about wanting to post but never really get around to doing it. Well, better Late than never right?
Hey! Been a while. I’m sitting in the school library, I came here with the pretext of studying. Exactly two weeks to exams and studying really is what I should be doing. And yes I tried, and no I am not (obviously). I’ve been studying a lot lately, more than I normally do honestly, however, I can’t seem to wrap my mind around any book right now.
You know what I want more than anything?
For it all to be over.
I don’t mean the sweet release of death,(however appealing its beginning to get) I mean end of exams! Last day of school! Rest day! Good bye and good radiance!!!
I don’t even have grand plans for what I’d do with my 4 months-a-freeman holiday; I just want to be free.
And so I’m here in the library. My dreaded ex before me, a few guys to my right, a movie watching girl beside me  and my newly devirusified laptop before me writing to you about absolutely nothing.