It’s funny… also not funny how much difference a few days make. You have something on your mind you really want to do or say but you don’t because you think it’s too soon. It’s stupid, it’s unnecessary, or you’re just not brave enough. And so you delay… one day, two, three and suddenly you are okay with taking the first step. You’ve played it out so many times in your mind it’s flawless. You set your plan in action. You make a move and hold your breath for a positive answer.
It comes… but it’s not positive. It’s said softly… but it hurts. It’s what you expected in the first place… but it shocks you.
What makes it worse is when you are told if you had come earlier it might have been positive. If you hadn’t been so scared, if you hadn’t waited so long, if you had only been spontaneous…
If only, if only…